校本 Communication Arts 学生 Participate in San Antonio 48 Hour Film Project Competition
09/13/2024本月,来自校本媒体与设计学院的传播艺术系学生参加了圣安东尼奥48小时电影项目的比赛, 电影制作人在48小时内完成一部短片的竞赛. Participants were assigned a film genre at random, 给定特定的薄膜要求, 然后利用两天的时间来写作, 拍摄和编辑一部短片.
本月,来自校本媒体与设计学院的传播艺术系学生参加了圣安东尼奥48小时电影项目的比赛, 电影制作人在48小时内完成一部短片的竞赛. Participants were assigned a film genre at random, 给定特定的薄膜要求, 然后利用两天的时间来写作, 拍摄和编辑一部短片.
来自校本传播艺术系的学生和教职员工参加了在圣马科斯举行的2024年德州校际新闻协会(TIPA)会议, 德州2024年春季学期. TIPA是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的州立大学新闻协会之一,旨在改善大学新闻工作,提高大学出版物的标准,并使学院和编辑建立更密切、更重要的关系.
圣安东尼奥——11月17日, 2023年-“当我发现自己获得了孤星艾美奖教育基金会颁发的学生制作奖时,我欣喜若狂. 这是我从进入校本传播艺术系开始就一直在思考的问题.”
玛达琳·莫利纳(大一)在理查德·金高中(科珀斯克里斯蒂)时参加了红裙时装秀。, Gabby 可以a(大二)在高三和大四的时候参加了East Central ISD的时装秀. Both students chose 校本 after attending that event.
Designing an aesthetically pleasing and tasteful room can be a challenge, but for students interested in becoming interior designers, 校本’s Department of Interior Design lays the foundation to help them succeed in the industry. 据博士说. 戴安娜艾莉森, 校本 associate professor and program coordinator of Interior Design, 室内设计学士学位“与该地区的其他课程独特不同”.”
在圣安东尼奥美国广告联合会(AAF-SA)主办的2023年美国广告奖中,菠菜评级平面设计专业的学生最近获得了决赛入围者的荣誉. 根据该组织的网站, “美国广告奖竞赛的使命是表彰和奖励在广告艺术中表现卓越的创新精神.”
玛雅·卡纳瓦蒂和莎拉·考克斯, 两个uw时装专业的学生, recently attended New York Fashion Week as part of a special opportunity provided by CLC, the nation’s leading collegiate licensing company, 和IMG, the operator of New York Fashion Week: The Shows. Read about their experiences and what they learned.
学生 in and around the San Antonio area looking for college courses in film do not have to look far; the 道成肉身的大学 now offers a Film concentration option as part of its Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts degree program. 该课程融合了理论驱动和经验为基础的课程,为学生在电影制作领域的工作做好准备.
当你把戏剧艺术学生、传播艺术学生和相机结合在一起时,你会得到什么? An award-winning short film produced in under two days by the 校本 Film Club. 这个由10名学生组成的小组最近赢得了广播教育协会(BEA)学生媒体俱乐部名为BEASMC Film 48的比赛.
Dr. 特雷Guinn, associate professor and program director of Communication Arts at 校本, recently finished something many people only dream about completing. 事实上, 10年来,他一直梦想着能写出自己最新的一本书,直到他下定决心把它变成现实. 他最近出版的书, 沟通要点:掌握各种专业互动所需的工具, 对所有读者都充满智慧吗.
uwtv破纪录地获得了孤星艾美奖教育基金会学生制作奖的15项提名. 在华盛顿大学百老汇校区,学生经营的电视台致力于带来校园社区新闻, entertainment and sports from around the University.
Coming out of high school, Andrea Rivera made it her mission to get through college. 现在, she is preparing to graduate this weekend with a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Management, a degree she earned while working part-time as a lead merchandiser at Target.
After graduating with a 3D Animation and Game Design degree from 校本 in 2021, Joshua McMullen is living his dream as an associate animator at Sony San Diego Studio, 开发电子游戏的公司.
Abigail Velez has dreamed of being Miss San Antonio USA for a long time; in 4月 of 2022, 她实现了那个梦想.
菠菜评级的时尚管理项目与滚动橡树购物中心合作,通过周六的红裙时装秀来提高人们对女性心脏健康的认识, 2月. 19, 2022.
The 道成肉身的大学’s student-run television station, 校本tv, 荣获广播教育协会颁发的2022年全国电视签名站第一名。. 这是我校首次获此殊荣.
Brandon Sanders graduates with his Master’s in Communication Arts on Saturday. His greatest role models in his life are his parents. 他来自加利福尼亚州的斯托克顿,他的父母在一个与他截然不同的世界里长大. 他们经历了许多挑战, and their goal was to ensure that their son did not have to experience those same hardships.
西澳大学时装管理入门班的三名新生设计的服装现在正在滚动橡树购物中心展出. A beautiful gold gown was created by Kieann Hernandez and Danielle Tovar, while a lovely green Grinch dress was made by Daniela Mejia.
给朱丽安·萨拉姆, a graduate student in 校本’s Communication Arts Department, Light the Way has been part of her family’s holiday experience since she was young. She estimates that she was about eight years old the first time she attended the event.
Kim Beechner ’10, ’15 was selected to the Forbes Next 1000 list for 2021. Beechner is the founder and CEO of Embark Marketing, 一个德克萨斯州的, digital marketing agency specializing in the food and beverage industry. Beechner于2010年创立了Embark Marketing.
The students behind 校本tv have reason to celebrate. 在2020年获得孤星艾美奖教育基金会颁发的两项学生制作奖后, uwtv在2021年获得了5个奖项.
Dr. Zazil Reyes Garcia, 他是道成肉身的世界大学传播艺术ABM项目的副教授和主任, 又指着她的母亲, 祖母, and many other women in her family for her drive and ambition in life.
上个月,《菠菜评级排行》(San Antonio Business Journal)将两名威斯康星大学校友评为顶级高管. 10岁的Kim Beechner和15岁的Kim Beechner(右). 基利·佩蒂,94年 (left), were two of the 20 honorees selected by the journal.